As a professional N100 mask sales website, we work hard to provide all our customers with the best products and services. Therefore, if there is any inconvenience we have brought to you, we apologize for that. Due to the peculiarities of the N100 Mask, all sales on our website are final. And considering the protection efficiency of the N100 mask, used products cannot be returned.

For products with quality problems, you can contact our professional customer service team to request a replacement or full refund.

Both return and exchange should follow the below procedures:

  1. Please submit photos/videos showing the damaged condition of the item to us.
  2. Receive the proof and we will process it within 2-3 business days.
  3. Once the proof is verified to be valid, you can apply for an exchange or a full refund.
  4. It will take 3-4 business days to process the reship or full refund.